IGF 2012 榜單於今日出爐囉!
恭喜熬了好幾年的《Fez》獲得了IGF最大獎「Seumas McNally Grand Prize」!
好遊戲終於實至名歸了 :D
「最佳行動遊戲獎」:《Beat Sneak Bandit》
Best Student Game: Way, The Way Team
Technical Excellence: Antichamber, Demruth Games
Excellence in Audio: Botanicula, Amanita Design
Excellence in Design: Spelunky, Mossmouth
Excellence in Visual Arts: Dear Esther, thechineseroom
Best Mobile Game: Beat Sneak Bandit, Simogo
Audience Award: Frozen Synapse, Mode 7 Games
XBLA Award: Super Time Force, Capy Games
Nuovo Award: Storyteller, Daniel Benmergui
Seumas McNally Grand Prize: Fez, Polytron Corporation
IGF 2012 榜單於今日出爐囉!
恭喜熬了好幾年的《Fez》獲得了IGF最大獎「Seumas McNally Grand Prize」!
好遊戲終於實至名歸了 :D
「最佳行動遊戲獎」:《Beat Sneak Bandit》
Best Student Game: Way, The Way Team
Technical Excellence: Antichamber, Demruth Games
Excellence in Audio: Botanicula, Amanita Design
Excellence in Design: Spelunky, Mossmouth
Excellence in Visual Arts: Dear Esther, thechineseroom
Best Mobile Game: Beat Sneak Bandit, Simogo
Audience Award: Frozen Synapse, Mode 7 Games
XBLA Award: Super Time Force, Capy Games
Nuovo Award: Storyteller, Daniel Benmergui
Seumas McNally Grand Prize: Fez, Polytron Corporation